• Introduction - This program is intended to make it quick and easy for you to make one or more duplicates of 400K, 720K, 800K, and 1440K Macintosh or DOS format diskettes. It performs a sector by sector duplication of any disk that is not copy protected. The key features include: > Making 1 or more duplicate floppies from a single floppy disk. > Saving a floppy image as a file on your hard drive. > Mounting of an image file on the desk top to read/write its files. > Fully compatible with Apple's Disk Copy image files. > Automatically creates disk labels for printing when done. > Maintain a log file to remember what copies have been made. > Designed for easy use with automatic disk feeders. > Copy 800K disk onto 1440K disk (with increased free space). > Tolerates bad sectors when they do not involve actual data. DiskDup Pro (a separate upgrade program) also includes: > Duplicate any size cartridge using a single cartridge disk. A source or MASTER disk is read into internal RAM memory, and then you may insert as many disks as you wish to make copies. In some instances, this means that DiskDup+ must break the copy into two halves. duplicating 800K floppies on a 512K machine, or 1440K floppies on a 1 Meg Mac, for example. This approach was taken to make the process as quick as possible. Consider saving backup images of floppy originals as files on larger capacity removables such as SyQuest, Bernoulli, or Magneto-Optical cartridges. You can later mount the file for Finder access to its contents, or create a new floppy copy at any time. • Basic duplication - First, set the number of copies as desired, then see that the Write, Verify, Initialize, and Warning controls are set to your requirements. Turn on the Create Labels option if you with to print labels (Only available to registered owners!) Note: These control settings can be changed as a disk is being read or written, but not during initialization. Note: These control settings can be saved under the File Menu. Next, either insert a floppy into any floppy drive, or choose ( Hard Disk… ) if you have an image file already on your hard drive. Note: It is recommended that you keep Master disks write protected. Wait until the Master disk has been read in. Next, either insert a floppy into any drive, or choose ( Hard Disk… ) if you wish to save an image on your hard drive. Continue inserting floppies until you have made the requested number of copies. If you decide not to complete all the copies, you may select ( New Master ) at any time. After making all copies, you will then be requested to insert a new Master. At this point, you may click on ( More Copies ) if you wish to make more copies from the previous master. To simply initialize disks, turn off Write, Verify, and Label. You may specify the name for the initialized disk, and then start inserting blank disks. Under the menu labeled “Done”, you may specify what form of prompting you desire when the copy process is done. Four options are available. Simple Beep: Issue a Beep and wait for a new Master to be inserted. Eject and Pause: After ejecting the last copy, a dialog is presented informing you that all copies are made. This should prevent a new Master from being read when you didn’t expect it. Pause then Eject: Designed for use with an auto feeder such as “Jukebox Five” from Fifth Generation. This lets you empty the input tray when copying is complete. Auto Master: Also designed for use with an auto feeder, this reads any LOCKED and initialized disk in the input tray as a new Master. This lets you insert multiple masters and have duplication continue unattended. • Printing disk labels - Under the menu "Options", you may turn on the Create Labels option. When set, a disk label is automatically created for each Master disk you insert. A label will be printed for each Copy disk made. You may simply create labels for existing disks (Masters) by turning off Write and Verify while checking on Label. Each disk inserted (Master) will be scanned to create the label. The entire image will not be read in. The number of labels is specified by the value in # Copies. NOTE: The option of Printing Labels is only available to registered owners of DiskDup+. The labels to be printed may be previewed and printed from the Print Labels menu option. From the preview dialog, you may edit the labels to change the text, font, style, and number of copies. You may also manually create additional labels as desired. Please remember to select Page Setup before printing - once done, you do NOT have to do this again unliess you choose a different printer. • Mounting a disk image - From the Finder, you may mount a saved disk image at any time. Simply hold down the “Option” or “Clover” key while double clicking on the image document file(s). Keep your finger on the “Option” or "Clover" key until the new disk volume(s) appear on your desk top. (If you release the key too soon, you will enter DiskDup+ with the file read in as the Master.) NOTE: The option of Mounting image files is only available to registered owners of DiskDup+. You will notice that the volume is mounted “Write Protected”. This ensures that the Master image will not be changed in any way. You may mount the image writable by holding down both the “Option” AND “Clover” keys. If you wish to change the “Write Protect” tab on the mounted image, simply hold down the “Clover” key while you drag the volume into the Trash. The volume will immediately reappear with the Write Protect tab changed. When done with a volume, simply drag the volume into the Trash as you normally do. You can also mount Apple's Copy Disk image files in the same way. In this case, however, you will have to “drag and drop” then image file(s) over DiskDup+. • Acknowledgment - This program has been developed for distribution as a Shareware program. Please feel free to pass copies on to your friends, and encourage them to register as appropriate. DiskDup+ registration: $25 or DiskDup Pro for only $39 Check, Money Order, VISA or MasterCard accepted. Roger D. Bates P.O. Box 14 Beaverton, Oregon 97075 Phone: (503) 591-9223 FAX: (503) 591-9223 ext 2 E-Mail: RogerB2437@AOL.com ©1987-1995 Roger D. Bates. All rights reserved.